Intelligent pavement management for municipalities

We’ve been working with municipalities for more than 100 years on new and innovative ways to provide cost-effective solutions. This latest technology helps you solve real problems, turning objective data into actionable plans for pavement management.

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The right combination of technology, engineering experience, and process understanding

Our Pavement Technology Team has overseen 4 ½ million square feet of pavement inspections. Instead of notebooks and spreadsheets, we use cutting-edge technology to help municipalities use their pavement management dollars on actual improvements, not data collection.

Jeremy Porterfield, PE

Jeremy Porterfield, PE

Pavement Technology Leader

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Budget Optimization

Budget Optimization

By utilizing a convenient, smartphone-based system that allows for the efficient allocation of resources, our team helps you maximize your budget, leading to impactful, long-lasting infrastructure improvements.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Data-Driven Decision Making

With just a smartphone on a windshield, we leverage cutting-edge technology to evaluate road and asset conditions, leading to objective pavement, road sign, and manhole condition data, and a way to track damage and plan maintenance after storms.

Time and Workload Savings

Time and Workload Savings

Our team’s access to objective data automates tedious tasks, significantly reducing the time and effort required of city staff. This automation allows for fewer trips into the field and enables you to focus on more important tasks.

  • Jeremy Porterfield, PE

    “What if we could find a solution that let us collect data that never gets stale, that led us to justify our actual pavement need and ultimately allowed us to build a plan that flexed and grew with the city as the city flexed and grew itself? At Garver, we’ve found a way.”

    Jeremy Porterfield, PE

    Pavement Technology Leader

Jeremy Porterfield, PE

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Jeremy Porterfield, PE

Pavement Technology Leader

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Jeremy Porterfield, PE


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