2023 New Mexico Water Workshop
Albuquerque, N.M. | Apr. 20-21
The Rocky Mountain Section of the American Water Works Association is hosting the New Mexico Water Workshop April 20-21, which will include water and wastewater professionals from across the region discussing the future of the industry in New Mexico. Garver experts will be presenting on topics like water distribution, re-use, wastewater, collection systems, and more.
Technical Presentations

11:15-11:45 AM MT
Treatment of Emerging Chemical and Microbial Contaminants Using Advanced Reflective UV Technology
PRESENTER: Project Engineer Sunny Natekar, Ph.D.

1:30-2 PM MT
Doubling Your Treatment Filtration With Half the Footprint
PRESENTER: Senior Project Manager Carlos Torres, PE

3-3:30 PM MT
Up For Rehab: Proactive Piepline Rehabilitation to Prevent Failure in SAWS's Largest Lift Station
PRESENTER: Infrastructure Design Leader Michael Salinas, PE

11-11:30 AM MT
Evaluating Large Diameter Structural Trenchless Pipeline Rehabilitation Options For Wastewater, Raw Water Piping, and Storm Water Applications
PRESENTER: Infrastructure Practice Leader Jeff Maier, PE

11-11:30 AM MT
Pellet Softening For Ground and Surface Water Treatment
PRESENTER: Distribution System Water Quality Practice Leader Ashley Pifer, Ph.D., PE