AZ Water Conference 2023
Phoenix, Ariz. | May. 09-11

During the 96th annual conference, AZ Water provides value to our members by offering a three-day program designed to provide professional development, continuing education, and technology transfer to support our vision of “a vibrant Arizona through safe, reliable water.” Garver Water Director Jeff Sober will serve as one of the event's keynote speaker with a number of Garver water professionals serving as presenters, utilizing their experience and expertise, along with providing opportunities to meet, learn, and network with other water professionals.
Garver's Jeff Sober to Serve as Keynote Speaker
Garver's Director of Water Services Jeff Sober will serve as the keynote speaker at the Operations Award Luncheon. Join Jeff and the rest of the Garver team on Wednesday, May 10 at 12 p.m.
Technical Presentations

9-10:30 AM
For Better or Worse? Is Installing Preforated Plate Screens the Best Option for Fine Screening?
PRESENTER: Director of Water Services Jeff Sober, PE, BCEE

1-2:30 PM
Failing Grit Removal at Dallas' Largest Plant: How Can it Be Fixed?
PRESENTER: Project Engineer Catharine Turner, EIC

10-11:30 AM
Pellet Softening for Ground and Surface Water Treatment
PRESENTERS: Senior Project Manager Rick Huggins, Ph.D., PE
Distribution System Water Quality Practice Leader Ashley Pifer, Ph.D., PE

12 PM
Keynote Speaker: Operations Award Luncheon
SPEAKER: Director of Water Services Jeff Sober, PE, BCEE

3-4:30 PM
Use and Benefits of GAC Adsorption in Potable Reuse Applications
PRESENTER: Water Practice Leader Zaid Chowdhury, Ph.D., PE, BCEE

10-11:30 AM
The Future is Here: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Advanced Pipeline Condition Assessment Technologies
PRESENTER: Infrastructure Practice Leader Jeff Maier, PE

10-11:30 AM
How a BOR-Funded Desalination Research Project Could Be a Model for CT Blowdown Recovery
PRESENTER: One Water Practice Leader Yuliana Porras Mendoza

1:30-3:30 PM
Leveraging Energy Management Principles to Enhance Asset Management Programs ... With a Touch of Pump Optimization
PRESENTER: Water and Energy Practice Leader Eric Dole, PE, PSAP

1:30-3:30 PM
Top-10 Water-Wastewater Changes Since 1980 and Top Likely Changes in the Next 40 Years
PRESENTER: Practice Area Director Randy McIntyre, PE, BCEE