Lighting Rehabilitation

The North Little Rock Municipal Airport became the first airport in Arkansas to have LED taxiway light fixtures, which were installed along Taxiway A and a portion of Taxiway C under a Garver-designed project in 2004. Now the airport is upgrading all of its airfield lighting to new LED fixtures. The airport also recently installed a new rotating beacon and a new electrical vault with radiocontrolled equipment.

"The lighting project has been a tremendous help for us here at the North Little Rock Airport," said Airport Manager Clay Rogers. "Obviously, the biggest benefits are pilot safety and finding the airport when landing at night. But as an airport manager, I'm very pleased with the operational cost savings from less required maintenance and less energy used to run them."

The relighting of Runway 5/23 was the first completed phase in this multi-year project. The airport allowed a maximum downtime of 14 calendar days. Garver's Construction Services Team worked with the contractor to do it in 12.

The project replaced 137 taxiway lights and 67 runway lights with 133 LED taxiway lights and 60 LED runway lights. The previous lighting used 7,140 watts of power, but the new LED lights use 2,955 watts of power, which is a reduction in power of 58 percent and will provide a significant savings in operational and maintenance costs.

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