PFAS treatment may be a new challenge, but we are proven experts with well-established treatment technologies that remove PFAS from drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater, such as granular activated carbon (GAC), reverse osmosis (RO), nanofiltration (NF), and anion exchange (AEX). Read about how we’ve delivered these proven treatments to our clients in the projects outlined below.
For years, we’ve been incorporating the best available technologies into robust treatment processes that can be adapted to meet future regulatory requirements and customer expectations.
We are actively engaged in applied research to bring emerging PFAS removal technologies into use and tackle the next PFAS challenge: destruction after capture.
We each bring unique and valuable expertise, from control at the source, to drinking water and wastewater piloting and treatment, to how to fund PFAS projects. This is by design, so that you get comprehensive support that’s focused on the constructability and operability of designs and that minimizes ripple effects that could negatively impact your ability to meet future challenges.
GAC Treatment and Regulatory Assistance
Anion Exchange Treatment
Anion Exchange Treatment
Wastewater Process
Wastewater Process
Funding and Emerging Technologies
High Pressure Membrane Treatment
Piloting and Operations
Anion Exchange Treatment and Regeneration
Environmental Site Assessment
AFFF and Airports
Water & Wastewater Treatment Technologist
We’re engaged in ongoing PFAS and emerging contaminants regulatory activity to help water systems position for long term compliance.
We match projects with funding opportunities and prepare grant and loan applications to help water systems continue meeting communities’ needs.
We plan and implement sampling for source water characterization, PFAS source tracing, and PFAS fate and transport within treatment facilities.
We provide environmental site assessments, spill control countermeasure plans, and hazardous materials investigation and remediation.
We bring regional entities together to develop collaborative approaches to managing PFAS through source control, treatment, and residuals management.
Our treatment and regulatory compliance experts work with water systems to limit the PFAS loads to their treatment facilities.
We offer cost estimates for PFAS removal process upgrades at master planning or detailed design levels.
We offer facility master planning services to incorporate future PFAS treatment processes into new and existing treatment trains for continued regulatory compliance.
Not every technology works for every community. Our collaborative evaluation approach helps water systems select the best path forward.
We provide conceptual through final design services for drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, and industrial facilities for PFAS removal.
We develop testing protocols, design pilot systems, provide operator training or personnel, and complete testing reports for conventional and emerging technologies.
We assist with public communication strategies to build trust and achieve community buy-in on water resource planning and treatment programs.
We assist with environmental and construction permitting and coordination with state and federal regulatory agencies.
Our process and operations experts provide desktop and hands-on process evaluations and troubleshooting to maximize the efficiency of existing facilities.
We conduct airport firefighting system evaluations, designs, and pollution prevention plans.