Sober takes over as WEAT president
WEAT was established in 1928 with a mission to promote the growth and development of its members
Garver’s Texas Water Team Leader Jeff Sober was elected recently as the 2017-2018 Water Environment Association of Texas President at the annual Texas Water Conference in Austin, Texas.

Jeff, who served the past two years as WEAT’s President-Elect and previously as its Vice President, began his term on April 12, when he assumed the role at the largest regional water conference, hosted by WEAT and Texas Section of American Water Works Association. WEAT is the Texas member association of the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
During the one-year term, Jeff hopes to grow the organization by advancing its operator training programs, continuing its efforts in public outreach, membership growth, and business practices. Jeff continues to serve as the Operations Challenge Competition Coordinator and is passionate about the career growth for operations and maintenance staff in the water industry.
“I have seen firsthand the benefits WEAT has for members within the water industry,” Jeff said. “Our focus on education, public outreach, regulatory affairs and our significant activity in the Texas legislature and political arena has made WEAT the preeminent water quality organization in Texas.”
WEAT was established in 1928 with a mission to promote the growth and development of its members, while educating the public on water environment issues and benefiting society through the protection and enhancement of the water environment.
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