Southwest AWWA
| Oct. 02-04

The Southwest Section is a part of AWWA and consists of AWWA members in the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma. The annual conference consists of water professionals from utilities, local government agencies, engineering consulting firms, and water construction contractors.
Technical Presentations

2-2:45 p.m.
Developing Disinfection Byproduct Control Strategies and Preparing for Future Regulations
This presentation will discuss development of system-specific DBP control strategies and provide examples from large and small water systems, with and without their own treatment facilities. The presentation will also discuss likely impacts of the EPA’s upcoming revisions to the MDBP regulations on Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana water systems.
Speakers: Distribution System Water Quality Practice Leader Ashley Pifer, Ph.D., PE

10:45-11:30 a.m.
Properly Identifying and Addressing Taste and Odor Issues to Avoid Customer Complaints
Many water utilities across the United States utilize Granular activated Carbon (GAC) for complying with the requirements of D/DBP Rule as well as to produce finished water that are low in taste and odor compounds. This presentation is intended to educate about the fundamental aspects of these technologies and how these technologies can be optimized to achieve the best performance with respect to the treatment objectives mentioned above
Speakers: Water Practice Leader Zaid Chowdhury

10:45-11:30 a.m.
Do you need an Asset Management Program or Asset Management Based Plan?
This presentation will provide some background and explanation of an asset management program, but will focus on the information and practical implementation of a utility utilizing an asset management approach to optimize their programs and planning. Starting with a utility defining what an asset is (i.e. valve, people, data, etc.), then how do I evaluate (condition, consequence, risk), track (naming, database, CMMS) and plan for management of those asset. Examples of tools and approaches will be compared.
Speakers: Practice Area Director Randy McIntyre, PE, BCEE

2-2:45 p.m.
Preparing for Lead and Copper Rule Revisions and Improvements
This presentation will provide a brief overview of major Lead and Copper Rule Revisions and proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements requirements, along with actions that water systems can take now to prepare for compliance. These include identifying and inventorying service line materials, planning for LSL replacement, evaluating water quality improvements to avoid potential compliance challenges, developing public outreach materials and relationships for reaching different groups, and budgeting and seeking funding for compliance activities. These practical steps can be customized and implemented by a wide range of public water systems, from large to small and urban to rural.
Speakers: Distribution System Water Quality Practice Leader Ashley Pifer, Ph.D., PE