
Garver helped the City of Enid select GAC post filter adsorbers to address blended water stability and prepare for PFAS regulations
Zaid Chowdhury, PhD, PE, BCEE

Garver helped the City of Enid select GAC post filter adsorbers to address blended water stability and prepare for PFAS regulations

As the City of Enid embarked on its first ever surface water treatment plant (WTP), Garver provided evaluations and assessments to guide the City’s selection of advanced technologies such as ozone, biological filtration, and GAC to provide distribution system integrity, to comply with current drinking water regulations, and to prepare for the future PFAS challenge.

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Utilizing Garver's College Station Water Design Center to support a growing demand in Hutto
Ian Toohey

Utilizing Garver's College Station Water Design Center to support a growing demand in Hutto

The City of Hutto has established itself as one of the fastest-growing cities in the state of Texas. Its population has increased by over 30% the last decade, resulting in a greater demand on the City’s water and wastewater resources and facilities. Understanding the need to keep up with the influx of new residences and businesses, and preparing for future demand, the City of Hutto partnered with Garver to assess its current wastewater capabilities by developing a long-term master plan to make sure the city would be able to keep up with growth.

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