Director's Insight: Garver Has Crafted Generations of Transportation Planning and Design

Garver has been in the transportation business since the day Neal Garver hung out his shingle in 1919. Transportation planning and design is a craft that has been passed along through the generations of Garver engineers from Neal Garver to Sanford Wilbourn to Bill Driggers to Ted Hannah to our current Transportation Team leaders. In the last 20 years we have had the opportunity to diversify our transportation services to our clients, and also diversify our client base. In addition to DOTs, we are proud to provide services to toll authorities, cities, and counties. And in addition to design, we now provide program management, urban planning, traffic modeling, construction management, and design-build services.

This edition of IQ highlights two vastly different types of transportation projects—the Fairfax Bridge design-build project for MoDOT and a complete street design for the City of Frisco, Texas—but they're both designed to the same Garver standard. We have staff dedicated to traffic, bridges, hydraulics, roadway, urban planning, and municipal projects, but no matter what team they serve on, they're committed to high-quality designs and personal service.

Whether you have the need for a program manager, an interstate project to be designed, the development of a capital improvement plan, or the design and construction management of a city street, we welcome the opportunity to help you create a successful project.

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Jerry Holder

Director of Transportation

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