Garver bridges gaps in Arkansas's trail system
Two Rivers Bridge not only provides another landmark along the Arkansas River Trail, but it created more than 2,000 feet of additional trail space for the area's bicyclists, walkers, and joggers. Garver provided structural, electrical and site design, and environmental services for the 1,100-foot-long bridge, one of four on the trail designed by Garver. The 13-span bridge utilizes prestressed concrete girders, while the parallel chord steel truss was manufactured off site, shipped and assembled on site. The additional trails are 12 feet wide with 3-foot shoulders and an asphalt parking lot with 70 stalls to serve as a starting point for those utilizing the 14-mile trail system. In the evening, an LED lighting system illuminates the bridge façade, which can be seen from a nearby interstate bridge.
Recipient of the 2012 ACEC Arkansas Structural Systems Award
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