Water and Wastewater

Lake Thunderbird Water Reuse Pilot

Researching reuse options to improve water quality

The City of Norman, Oklahoma plans to diversify its surface water and groundwater resources by expanding existing water reclamation and reuse with an indirect potable reuse (IPR) project through Lake Thunderbird. Garver is leading an IPR pilot project that will test different technologies and treatment strategies to optimize treatment. The 12-month testing schedule allows for testing and optimization of biological nutrient removal technologies under varying seasonal conditions. Lake Thunderbird is an “impaired water body” listed on the 303(d) list for dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and chlorophyll-a. The quality of water produced by the IPR project is anticipated to improve the overall water quality of the lake, reducing the impacts of drought, and providing a more sustainable water supply.

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Jeff Sober, PE

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Jeff Sober, PE

Director of Water Services

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Jeff Sober, PE


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