ACEC-Texas honors Garver-led Master Plan project
A Garver-led project that will help assess alternatives and improve operational efficiency for decades has earned one of the industry’s highest honors from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Texas.
The Trinity River Authority of Texas (TRA) Central Regional Wastewater System (CRWS) Master Plan and Modeling project earned a Gold Medal recently in the studies, research, and consulting engineering services category of ACEC-Texas’ Engineering Excellence Awards.

In the most detailed evaluation ever completed at the CRWS treatment plant, the Garver team evaluated plant capabilities, capacities, and treatment paradigms; projected future flows and loadings; and anticipated regulatory requirements, completed processes and hydraulic modeling assessments while delivering a new plant process model and a new hydraulic model.
“This was a large undertaking for both the Garver team and TRA,” said Garver Texas Water Team Leader Jeff Sober. “Because the $470 million CIP has a significant impact on customer cities and the facility, it was critical for the process to include the input of all possible stakeholders, and a constant line of communication was crucial throughout the entire process.”

The key to the project’s success was Garver’s development of stop gaps that helped determine if there were any unidentified items to evaluate or unintended consequences. The final Master Plan was the result of a 22-month effort that developed 39 capital improvement projects. Each project evaluation included life cycle cost analysis, uncertainty analysis using Monte Carlo simulations, and non-economic evaluations, all of which will help provide recommendations on capital planning and operations and maintenance for the facility to manage 405 million gallons per day of flow.
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