RCC Filter Pipe Gallery Improvements earn ACEC recognition
The solution was effective, required minimal maintenance, and no additional costs or training.
Garver’s ability to help alleviate moisture buildup in a Russellville City Corporation Water Treatment Plant filter gallery recently earned an Engineering Excellence Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Arkansas in the special projects category.

The RCC, which manages the water and wastewater systems for the city, identified five projects for improvements to its water treatment plant. One of the most pressing was to reduce the moisture buildup that accumulated in the treatment plant’s filter gallery. As temperature and humidity rose during the summer months, a humid condition was produced in the pipe gallery. The excess moisture would condense on the filter pipes, the walls of the gallery, and the other equipment to cause puddling and premature corrosion of the piping.
Garver chose a new coating system to be added to the pipe rather than dehumidification equipment, which would have reduced the humidity and moisture in the air, but also require additional controls, electrical systems, and other equipment. The coating system ceased corrosion on the pipes, provided the required thermal break, protection, and pipe color needed to identify the pipes. This solution was effective, required minimal maintenance, and no additional costs or training.
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