Garver, NUA honored with ACEC National Recognition Award
Garver worked alongside the Norman Utilities Authority (NUA) to turn an aging wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) into a water reclamation facility, providing a more reliable and efficient way to process wastewater while also reclaiming non-potable water for commercial, industrial, or agricultural use.
The Norman WRF Phase 2 Upgrades turned the NUA’s 12 million gallons per day (MGD) WWTP into a 17 MGD WRF. Garver and the NUA were honored with a National Recognition Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies at the ACEC’s Engineering Excellence Awards Gala, attended by Garver Chief Operating Officer Michael Graves on May 7 in Washington, D.C.

“The NUA has a long-standing history of developing solutions that are environmentally friendly and sustainable, and both can be said for this project,” said Garver Water Project Manager Kyle Kruger. “We were proud to help them implement these improvements that will benefit a growing community for decades to come.”
In the largest capital improvement project in the City of Norman’s history, Garver first conducted a study of the WWTP, which had been in operation for more than twice its original estimated life cycle. After recommending capital improvements, Garver helped prioritize alternatives and provided design and construction phase services to increase treatment capacity, enhance operational efficiency, and address new requirements for discharge into the Canadian River.
Phase 2 of the project specifically provided a new 66-inch outfall line, along with odor control, solids thickening, and anaerobic digestion improvements. Garver also created cost-savings for the NUA by incorporating existing infrastructure into the design, developing a new operations and maintenance manual, and assisting with equipment startup and training for the plant’s staff.
Garver is celebrating its centennial year in 2019. To learn more, visit our centennial celebration page.
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