Wastewater professionals from across the region are set to converge on Las Vegas for the Nevada Water Environment Association’s Reunited in Water event this week. The annual event will include the industry’s leading minds discussing topics related to municipal and industrial wastewater engineering, collection, analysis, treatment, operations, and disposal.
As part of the conference’s technical program, Garver Water Reuse Practice Leader Michael Watts, Ph.D., PE and Oklahoma Water Team Leader Mary Elizabeth Mach, PE, will present on the Garver-led Lake Thunderbird Water Reuse Pilot project.

Read below for more information on the presentation, and to learn more about the conference, click here: www.nvwea.org/index.ph...
Water Reuse Practice Leader Michael Watts, Ph.D., PE and Oklahoma Water Team Leader Mary Elizabeth Mach, PE | Where We're Going, We Don't Need Membranes: How the Lake Thunderbird Water Reuse Pilot is Testing the Limits of IPR Treatment Without Membranes | 3:05 p.m. PST, Jan. 31 and 10:20 a.m. PST Feb. 1.

This presentation will discuss the proposed, 30-month pilot study at the City of Norman’s Water Reclamation Facility in order to evaluate the efficacy of advanced treatment methods for indirect potable reuse (IPR).
To learn more about what Garver's Water and Wastewater Team can do for you, visit our Water and Wastewater Services page.