Director's Insight:

Communicating the value of water

We all want the same thing for our communities –clean, safe, and affordable water. The challenge: Aging infrastructure and low costs for water services make necessary improvements financially difficult. One of the biggest challenges facing our industry today is communicating the real value of water to our end users – the everyday customer who expects water to always flow reliably from the tap and swirl effectively down the drain.

To assist with this problem, Garver’s Water Team works closely with utilities to develop implementable, cost-effective strategies to update aging infrastructure, which often includes funding support. Our team collaborates with utilities to keep the public informed, up to date, and aware of ongoing improvements and their benefits.

In this issue you can read about our work with Del City, Oklahoma and its aging infrastructure and equipment that hadn’t been updated in over 30 years. Through Garver’s creative use of funds, more than $1.2 million was saved from the loan and applied to additional necessary facility improvements. Another example of Garver’s continued investment in advancing water infrastructure can be found in Kansas, with the City of Wichita’s new 120 MGD Northwest Water Treatment Plant that will replace an aging system and modernize Wichita’s water supply.

At the end of the day, it isn’t the technical challenges that will slow us down; it is communicating the value of what we all are working so hard to provide. When you have a water challenge, know that you are not alone; Garver is ready to help.

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Jeff Sober, PE

Assistant Director of Water Services

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