Water and Wastewater

TRA MCRWS WWTP Improvements Design

Phased expansion for cost-effective improvements

Garver provided master planning, design, and construction phase services for a three-phased expansion of Trinity River Authority’s Mountain Creek Regional Wastewater System to 9 MGD. The first phase (4.5 MGD) focused on peak flow storage and expanding the treatment capacity of the aeration basins, while the second phase (6.0 MGD) included a new influent pump station, headworks screening and grit facility, RAS/WAS pump station, solids handling building, and expanding the treatment capacity of the existing processes. The final expansion phase (9.0 MGD) included a new aeration basin, final clarifier, gravity thickener, and expanded the treatment capacity of existing processes. The project team considered planned future improvements of each facility and identified any operational conflicts or interruptions that could occur during construction.

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