Garver employees mentor girls in STEM

In an effort to invest in the next generation of engineers who will design our nation’s bridges, runways, and water and wastewater treatment plants, engineers from Garver make it a priority to help spark an interest in STEM careers in young students.
As part of this commitment, Garver partnered with the Museum of Discovery’s Girls in STEM program in Little Rock, Arkansas, and the Alex Foundation’s Architecture + Design Summer Camp in Greenville, Mississippi, to help young women explore STEM careers with hands-on activities led by female STEM professionals.
At two events this summer, a group of eighth through tenth grade girls was introduced to a few Garver female engineers, who described how they became interested in their field, provided insight into the life of an engineer, and shared insight into various careers in STEM.
The students worked in small groups alongside the engineers to design an ideal city. Using topographic maps, they collaborated to determine locations for public works infrastructure, such as airports, public spaces, water supply and treatment facilities, parks, hospitals, and more.
They presented their finalized cities and offered explanations of how geography was used to improve the quality of life in the planning of a city. At both events, students were exposed to the importance of engineering in building thriving communities.
“The greatest part of doing a big picture activity like this is sharing different parts of civil engineering and related fields so the students know that there are so many options when they are thinking about their future," said Garver Transportation Project Engineer Josi Gass. “It also can spark some thinking when they go home and start to notice new things like the storm drains or the lighting at an airport.”
Garver Transportation Project Manager Jessica Halbrook echoed Gass: "Being able to create a positive interaction with the engineering field for these students is so important. Many students, especially during COVID, have had limited hands-on STEM exposure. During this period of learning, having a fun, interactive learning experience is the best way we can encourage our next generation of STEM leaders."
In addition to providing mentorship and program support, GarverGives, the firm’s corporate giving program, provides financial support to these organizations. To learn more about Garver’s charitable giving, visit our GarverGives page.
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