
PVJ Recycled Runway

Recycled Runway

An hour south of Oklahoma City, Pauls Valley Municipal Airport serves national and regional business, including distributions centers for Walmart, Bedre Chocolate, and Fields Pies. The airport recently embarked on a project with Garver to create a full-length parallel taxiway and close its crosswind runway.

Garver used innovative design approaches to save maintenance, and improve aesthetics through pavement recycling the concrete on the crosswind runway and using it for base material on the new parallel. The recycling process requires extensive testing and coordination, but Garver educated and coordinated with the contractor to streamline the process.

"I hear horror stories about pavement recycling all the time, but this project went so smoothly, I didn't even know they started recycling until the pay request came in," said FAA Project Manager Tim House.

The project was completed while maintaining full operations and access to all tenants, with the exception of a 10-day closure of the primary runway. The removal of the crosswind has opened up 56 acres of highly desirable land for commercial and aviation development.

"The parallel taxiway is important not only to open up new development areas on the field, but to serve as a temporary runway during the upcoming runway rehabilitation project," said Project Manager Curtis Brown. "At Pauls Valley, they understand the importance of maintaining operations and building with future projects in mind."

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