
Colbern Road Reconstruction

Increasing safety and efficiency

Garver is providing engineering services for the construction of approximately 1.5 miles of new four-lane major arterial with curb and gutters, enclosed stormwater systems, sidewalks, shared-use paths, lighting, signage, pavement markings, and landscaping features. To create a safer and more efficient corridor to accommodate current and future growth needs and promote economic investment along the corridor, critical issues needed to be addressed including the alignment and approach of Blue Parkway onto Colbern Road, the roundabout, increased vehicle capacity, pedestrian access and safety within the corridor, and traffic access and management.

Garver provided professional design services for preliminary and final roadway and bridge design for Bridge 43150011 (Colbern Road over Little Cedar Creek) replacement project. The existing bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad and Little Cedar Creek will be removed and replaced with a larger bridge with four lanes, a shared use path, and sidewalk. Garver performed a detailed corridor analysis that considered the impact of numerous developments anticipated to bring 15,000 new trips per day to the corridor. Study elements included detailed trip generation, access management and setting of future median openings, analysis of two interchanges, a roundabout, multimodal LOS analysis, and safety analysis to determine the use of on-street bike lanes versus a shared use path. Garver developed temporary, staged construction, and final signal design plans for the Douglas Street at Colbern Road intersection for this LPA funded project.

Garver coordinated agreements with the UP Railroad for the permission to construct the proposed Colbern Road Improvements within the Union Pacific Railroad ROW.

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