Falfurrias-Encino Asset Management Program for Small Systems
Garver collaborated with utility staff to perform system assessments and create detailed asset management plans for two separate water systems
The Falfurrias Utility Board - Encino Water System (Falfurrias-Encino) partnered with Garver to create an Asset Management Plan for Small Systems (AMPSS), as defined by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and funded by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB). Our team worked closely with utility staff to create a detailed AMPSS for Falfurrias-Encino.
Falfurrias-Encino manages two separate water systems in northern Brooks County, TX, referred to as Falfurrias Water and Encino Water. Both systems are solely reliant on groundwater wells from the Gulf Coast Aquifer and are comprised of groundwater wells, water storage, chlorine disinfection, pumping, and distribution mains. These systems serve a small population of approximately 4,610 on the Falfurrias System and 100 on the Encino System.
To begin the AMPSS, our team worked with utility staff to develop an asset hierarchy and naming convention. This defined unique identifiers for all system assets and provided the framework for ranking each asset through risk-based analysis.
We performed likelihood of failure (LOF) assessments while utility staff provided the consequence of failure (COF) assessments for each sub-system. These scores were combined as part of a risk-based analysis of multiplying the LOF and COF scores to generate a risk score for each sub-system. Assets were then placed on a 10-year Project Plan according to their risk score and in coordination with the 2022 10-year Project Plan provided by staff.
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