NTMWD Wastewater System Meter Evaluation
Garver provided a comprehensive review of meter station assets to improve accuracy, efficiency, and reliability of wastewater flow measurement
NTMWD selected Garver to complete a wastewater system meter evaluation to evaluate the accuracy and functionality of meter stations within NTMWD's wastewater system. The evaluation included 141 wastewater meters consisting of electromagnetic meters, ultrasonic meters, area-velocity meters, and Parshall flumes. The meters were located throughout the wastewater system in interceptor networks, lift stations, and treatment facilities.
We assessed the condition of metering infrastructure including pipes, sensors, and associated components. Then we reviewed the appropriateness and effectiveness of current meter station locations in capturing representative flow data. We identified deficiencies or areas for improvement in the metering system.
Based on these evaluations, we provided recommendations for enhancements to improve accuracy, efficiency, and reliability of wastewater flow measurement. We reviewed and identified updates to the current wastewater meter station design guidance document and calibration procedures. Finally, we provided cost estimation for proposed improvements.
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