Water and Wastewater

TRA Denton Creek Force Main and Lift Station

Improving operational conditions and service area capacity

Garver provided assessment, survey, modeling, and design services to rehabilitate a lift station, two meter stations, and 11,000 linear feet of 20- to 30-inch PVC force main. This project was initiated by a previously conducted infiltration and inflow (I&I) study that revealed the force main is hydraulically constricted and won’t be able to handle projected flow demands.

Following a review of previous reports, inspection data, and SCADA data, Garver completed a desktop evaluation of the force main and evaluated four alternatives to achieve the needed force main improvements. At the Kirkwood Lift Station, we conducted a condition assessment that evaluated the existing pumps, wetwell, piping, and needed electrical improvements to support an operationally optimized lift station. 

To further understand the existing system, Garver conducted a hydraulic and surge evaluation. The InfoWorks model confirmed existing conditions, provided both a dry and wet weather simulation, and evaluated various surge conditions.

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Jeff Sober, PE

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Jeff Sober, PE

Director of Water Services

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Jeff Sober, PE


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