Water and Wastewater

DWU Lake June Pump Station

Garver’s approach of splitting the project into two packages will save DWU millions in capital investment.

Lake June Pump Station (PS) is Dallas Water Utilities’ (DWU) most critical pump station, with a firm capacity of 360 MGD. It provides potable water to three separate pressure planes and is the only source of water for some communities in South Dallas. Due to the condition and criticality of this pump station and associated infrastructure, DWU has chosen to replace it with a new pump station. Garver is providing comprehensive engineering services for Lake June PS, including preliminary engineering, final design, construction phase services, and start-up services.

During preliminary design, Garver evaluated several alternatives for the new ground storage tanks and pump station. The number of ground storage tanks, total volume and water depth, interconnecting piping, isolation valving, pump sizes, variable speed drives, overflow storage, and project delivery method (design-bid-build, construction manager at risk, competitive sealed proposals) were evaluated to determine the best value approach for replacement of this infrastructure.

Garver led biweekly progress meetings with DWU to facilitate overall communication and decision making. This meeting frequency allowed for the design schedule to stay on track while meeting the needs and preferences of DWU’s operations and maintenance staff.

The $200M project will be split into two construction packages, with Package A including the new ground storage tanks, transmission piping improvements, and demolition of the existing reservoir and other facilities. Package B includes a new pump station, suction and discharge piping, transmission piping as needed to connect the new Lake June PS into DWU’s existing system, electrical and transmission improvements, and demolition of the existing Lake June PS.

This approach will save DWU millions in capital investment and bring this critical pump station online much sooner than a traditional design-bid-build schedule. Garver is currently completing final design for these improvements and anticipates design completion for Construction Package A in spring of 2025.

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