Garver's Wellness Program chosen as sample for similar programs
Because of its success in creating and implementing a comprehensive wellness program, Garver was chosen to lead researchers from the Johns Hopkins Institute of Health and Productivity Services on a tour and information session with the goal of educating other employers on how to establish similar programs.

The researchers' findings will be used for the purpose of publishing a case study for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Workplace Health Resource Center (WHPRC) to be used by other employers. The WHPRC is a workplace wellness promotion resource for employers looking to create a healthy work environment.
“We’re proud of the Wellness program we have created and strive daily to promote a healthy lifestyle for all employees and their families,” said Garver Wellness Team Manager Sarah Palmiero. “We enjoy the chances to share the ideas that we have implemented with others in the wellness community and hope they can help other companies create similar programs.”
The tour included meetings with Garver’s Wellness and People Services teams, as well as interviews with members of certain corporate and technical teams. During the visit, Palmiero emphasized Garver’s engagement of all employees, and the program’s positive impact on Garver’s Health Plan.
Started more than a decade ago, Garver’s Wellness Program was founded on a philosophy that health is part of its workplace culture, while prioritizing reasonably-priced, comprehensive health coverage. Garver keeps up with future needs by conducting mid-year surveys to engage employee opinion, annual biometric screenings, and a review of claims data.
In the last year, Garver’s Wellness Program has contributed to the company being listed among the Top 100 Healthiest Employers at last year’s FitBit Captivate conference, and a Gold Well Workplace by the Wellness Council of America.
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