
Pedestrian facilities

Promoting healthy living

The presence of user-friendly trails, pedestrian bridges, and pedestrian facilities enhance the experiences of any community.

Garver’s team delivers attractive designs for multi-use paths, access structures, bike lanes, safe routes to schools, sidewalks, underpasses, and signalization that keeps community members active, healthy, and happy.

Brent Schniers, PE

Brent Schniers, PE

Director of Transportation

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Featured Projects

Dave Ward Drive Pedestrian Overpass

Dave Ward Drive Pedestrian Overpass

The Dave Ward Drive Pedestrian Overpass not only presents bikers, joggers, and walkers with a safe route over a road traveled by more than 30,000 cars per day, but with a 100-foot steel truss span and 150-foot approach spans on each side, the bridge will serve as an iconic city landmark.

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5th Street Improvements

5th Street Improvements

​When the City of Frisco, Texas needed to reconstruct 5th Street downtown, they latched onto the idea of providing their citizens with a "complete street," meaning a street designed not only for cars, but also for pedestrians, bicyclists, businesses, and beauty.

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Frisco Trail

Frisco Trail

For years, the Frisco Trail system ended north of a congested Highway 180—the south boundary of the University of Arkansas campus—cutting off citizens who reside in that area from the trail.

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Two Rivers Bridge

Two Rivers Bridge

The Two Rivers Bridge opened in July 2011 and sits above the Little Maumelle River, connecting miles of trails in Pulaski County, Arkansas. At the highest point, the bridge deck is approximately 45 feet above the river's normal pool level.

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Shillcott Bayou Pedestrian Bridge

Shillcott Bayou Pedestrian Bridge

Garver’s design of a new pedestrian bridge has amplified a popular city park with improved recreational features.

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Reynolds Road

Reynolds Road

Garver’s redesign of Reynolds Road included planning and traffic studies, along with landscape, roadway and bridge design, which resulted in a corridor that increases connectivity, economic development, and improved pedestrian access.

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Pedestrian Services

Bike and Pedestrian Trails

Bike and Pedestrian Trails

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Combined-Use Facilities

Combined-Use Facilities

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Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridges and Underpasses

Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridges and Underpasses

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus at nibh vitae scelerisque. Praesent ac sem pulvinar, posuere magna sodales, rutrum sem. Ut nec magna nulla.

Safe Routes to School

Safe Routes to School

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Sidewalks and Wheelchair Ramps

Sidewalks and Wheelchair Ramps

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Brent Schniers, PE

Get in Touch!

Brent Schniers, PE

Director of Transportation

Get in Touch!

Brent Schniers, PE


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